Why Is My Damn FPS So Low? (In Skyrim)

Why does my GTX 660 get low FPS in Skyrim?

  • Streaming itself seems to kill about 10-12 FPS
  • An ENB seems to kill about 6-8 FPS

I’ve tested a completely vanilla install and only managed to get around ~30 FPS while streaming.

So slap on about 165 mods and an ENB and I’m left with around ~15 FPS.

This is pretty unfortunate but there isn’t much that I can think to do.

My CPU and GPU don’t ever appear to be that stressed and my RAM is fine as well, so I’m not sure why I don’t get more FPS than this.

If you have encountered this problem before or might know of a remedy, please share!!

In the semi near future I plan to do a new operating system install, with an updated operating system (Vista atm)(yes old).  I’ve heard this can fix problems such as this and hopefully when I’m able to do this, this may remedy the problem.



Why Am I Not Playing Requiem Anymore?

I have never finished the Dragonborn DLC and have never even started the Dawnguard DLC.  While playing Requiem it became very clear that I would not be able to get to this content for a very, very long time and I really, really want to get to this content.

I also hadn’t been able to flush out a character on the first Skyrim Redone install that I did.  I had been using Nexus Mod Manager and once I discovered Mod Organizer it became very clear that I was going to have to re-install everything and start from scratch.  The program is just that good.  I could have probably kept going as things were relatively stable but I really wanted to sink my teeth into the program.

So for the time being I will be playing a t3nd0’s Skyrim Redone play-through (Pure Mage).  Once that is completed I may choose to start playing another game for a while, as there are many many games that I have on the back-burner that I would like to get to.  But I feel I owe it to all my Skyrim followers to at least flush out one play-through before I jump ship and switch to another game for a while.